What effect does a deficiency in sulfur have on crop yields and human or animal nutrition?

Sulfur is one of the most nutritious nutrients for plants that is of little interest to farmers or experts. Sulfur is involved in the production of protein, chlorophyll and other sensitive plant compounds, so its symptoms appear similar to those of nitrogen deficiency. The yellowing starts from youngerleaves and spreads to older leaves. Because sulfur is not a moving element from the older leaves of the plant to the younger leaves.

کمبود گوگرد در محصولات زراعی

The importance of sulfur in human and animal nutrition

The availability of sulfur as well as the amount of sulfur in the plant has a significant effect on its production. The value of crops is the high content of the two amino acids methionine and cysteine, which humans and animals are unable to produce in the body and are therefore in need of nutrient sources containing these two amino acids

These two amino acids have important roles for the plant cell, besides being involved in the structure of proteins. Perhaps the most important structural amino acids are the two amino acids

Sulfur is also present in the structure of two essential vitamins, B1 (B1) and Biotin (B7). Biotin is an important vitamin in enhancing and reducing hair loss. So the direct reduction of sulfur in the plant is related to the deficiency of these vitamins in crops and horticulture


ویتامین B1 (ب 1) و بیوتین (ب 7)


Sulfur and these two amino acids play important roles in binding protein components together, reducing environmental stresses, enhancing plant defense power, enhancing metabolism and metabolism, enzyme activation, coenzyme biosynthesis, mustard dark glucoside oils and enhancing grain quality. have. For example, deficiency of these two amino acids in wheat reduces the weight of thousands of grains and also reduces puffiness. Deficiency of wheat in wheat causes dough stiffness and elasticity of dough

Feeding wheat with sulfur will improve the quality of bread. In this figure, the left side shows wheat which had two low amino acids cysteine and methionine (the plant was deficient in sulfur) and increased sulfur in the plant, respectively, and increased bread puffiness


Of course, this holds true for all grains that have a protein source such as grains. Plants store 3 types of nutrients in the seeds. Starch, protein and fat. In most cases there is a combination of two or three of these. Grains store starch and protein together, and in some cases, a little fat. Therefore proper nutrition of plants with absorbed liquid sulfur increases the quality and quantity of its proteins. So whole grains or legumes or chickpea families that make up more than 20 to 35 percent of the protein’s grain weight should not be deprived of sulfur


استفاده از کود گوگرد مایع در ذرت

Chickpea family plants such as alfalfa that are considered for animal nutrition are methionine deficient plants. Due to the good appearance of these plants, farmers are not looking for protein content or application of liquid sulfur fertilizer in alfalfa or sainfoin fields. Of course, if animals are fed low-fat plants with these two amino acids, additional nutritional supplements are essential. Increasing the protein content of the plants will improve the nutrition of the animal and increase milk or animal weight. It should be noted that essential amino acids should be included in the human diet or in the animal diet. Therefore nutrition of alfalfa sulfur and forage plants in general is also important for increasing the quality of food

The importance of feeding all plants with liquid sulfur is to such an extent that in institutions and universities outside Iran, they are seeking to increase the two amino acids methionine and cysteine ​​using biotechnology tools. The adequacy of these two amino acids in the human diet is crucial in preventing disease

Importance of Sulfur Nutrition in Cabbage and Onion Family Plants

Sulfur deficiency is of paramount importance in plants with high sulfur metabolism, and farmers and agricultural experts should consider this in mineral nutrition. For example, cabbage family plants such as cabbage, cauliflower, lemongrass, radish and radish and canola as well as the onion family including garlic, onion, leek, etc. require more sulfur than other plants. The strong smell that comes from these plants is due to the presence of sulfur compounds. These compounds have a protective role for the plant and, of course, a medicinal role for humans. For this reason, the lack of sulfur reduces the nutritional properties of many plants, especially dark cabbage and onion

It should be borne in mind that although these compounds are secondary metabolites of the plant, deficiency of sulfur will reduce the growth and biosynthesis of primary and essential cellular constituents. Because dark cabbage or onion plants have a major share of their metabolism in the biosynthesis of these compounds

Symptoms of Deficiency in Plants

Part of the sulfur needed for plants reaches the ground through the rain. In recent years, due to environmental concerns, the production of sulfuric gases (acidic sulfur rains) has declined. On the other hand, sources of sulfur are low in arable land and washed by irrigation or rain. Soil germs also decompose it and convert sulfur (sulfate) to gas (hydrogen sulfide). Therefore, plant nutrition with sulfur should be a priority in the fertilizer program

عکس مزرعه کلزا با مقدار کافی از گوگرد

In the lower part of the canola field photo is found a sufficient amount of sulfur (plants with full yellow flowers) In the upper part deficiency of sulfur caused incomplete flowering and symptoms of deficiency and of course reduced production


کمبود گوگرد در گیاهان

In the above pictures you can see the lack of sulfur in the plants. Plants with proper nutrition in the middle of the picture


کاهش میزان تولید گوگرد توسط کارخانجات در اروپا

Factories in Europe reduce sulfur production

Sulfur deficiency in a farm can be for one of the following reasons:

  • Sandy or sandy soil with low organic matter content with low sulfur content
  • High rainfall during winter (sulfur leaching)
  • Dry in spring (no sulfur removal)
  • Do not add animal and organic fertilizers to the farm
  • The heat of the air

Sulfur deficiency is first characterized by the yellowing of young leaves. This deficiency is yellow throughout the leaf and should not be confused with the lack of nitrogen that results in the yellow leaves of the old plant. Nitrogen deficiency causes yellowing of old leaves. Sulfur deficiency starts from young leaves and leaves the entire body without yellow burn marks. This deficiency is more pronounced with the heat of the air. Soil type, amount of soil organic matter, PH, plant type and history of farming have a significant role in soil sulfur content


کمبود گوگرد در گوجه فرنگی


Unfortunately, sulfur deficiency is showing up late and therefore precautionary measures to prevent this deficiency must be carefully considered by dear farmers. Periodic analysis of farm soil (at least once every 3 years) in terms of the amount of soluble sulfur should also be performed. Due to the less prominent role of sulfur in experts, the use of liquid sulfur for gardens and crops is the best option for adjusting soil pH, preventing pests and fungal diseases, increasing crop yields and quality. The use of liquid sulfur, especially along with nitrogen fertilizer sources in the early stages of growth as well as in the rapid growth stages of the plant, should be included in the farm nutrition plan. Sulfur accounts for 0.3% of dry weight of crop plants and 0.45% of dry weight of cabbage. Insufficient sulfur reduces crop yields by 1-2 tons per hectare

مقدار تامین گوگرد گیاه توسط خاک

The amount of soil sulfur supplied by the plant during different months of the year. The wheat family needs twice as much as the cauliflower about 3 times the amount of soil sulfur


کمبود گوگرد در گل داوودی

Sulfur deficiency in chrysanthemum. Notice the dwarfness and color of the plant


کمبود گوگرد در گوجه فرنگی

Lack of sulfur in tomatoes. Decreased growth and jaundice of young leaves


کمبود گوگرد در سیب زمینی

Lack of sulfur in potatoes

کمبود گوگرد در ذرت

Lack of sulfur in corn


کمبود گوگرد در توتون

Lack of sulfur in tobacco


کمبود گوگرد در گندم

Lack of sulfur in wheat


کمبود گوگرد در گندم

Lack of sulfur in wheat


کمبود گوگرد در شاهدانه

Lack of sulfur in hemp


Sulfur liquid fertilizer does not require the use of other fertilizers

A very important point to keep in mind about the plant’s nutrition with sulfur is that sulfur, due to its properties, solubilizes many nutrients that have not yet been absorbed by the plant. In fact, the ions and nutrients in the soil are absorbed by the use of sulfur. This importance doubles when the farmer realizes that using liquid sulfur does not require many fertilizers. Because in most cases there is food in the soil and there is no need for new fertilizer. Sulfur, for example, solubilizes soil iron and eliminates iron deficiency. This is true for other nutrients such as magnesium, copper, zinc, and especially phosphorus. In fact, the farmer will not need iron fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer and micro fertilizers by applying liquid sulfur in most cases

Prevent the growth and removal of aggressive lichens

Lichens are environmentally beneficial organisms created by the fungi and algae community. These organisms grow on the trunk of the tree at times, causing the trunk to choke, weakening and gradually dying. Combining azeas liquid sulfur with a special formula can destroy these lichens without damaging the tree. The drought of lichens is one of the problems farmers face in humid regions like the north of the country

Treatment of fungal diseases with liquid sulfur

Plant diseases can be caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. Sulfur compounds can play an effective role in the treatment and prevention of all these factors. Viruses are often transmitted by insects Sulfur spray can dispel many of these sucking pests. Disease agents are often transmitted by infected insects. Diseases such as mumps, molds, rusts, fusarium, phytophthora, horseradish, rot and leaf spots and root diseases such as nematodes can be controlled with sulfur
A variety of whitefly disease that affects crops, especially greenhouses, can be treated with liquid sulfur. That is, even after being infected it can eliminate these factors. Using liquid sulfur along with some toxins reduces the toxin consumption and results in a lower dose than the toxin

رشد انواع گلسنگ بر روی تنه درخت

Grow a variety of lichens on the trunk of the tree. At least 4 types of lichens have been grown on this trunk. Using liquid sulfur as a foliar solution without damage to the tree will kill these lichens. Fungi are sensitive to liquid sulfur


چرخه گوگرد در طبیعت

Sulfur Cycle in Nature. Sulfur in the soil is washed away by the rain or by the germs and hydrogen sulfide gas is destroyed

میزان توصیه شده گوگرد برای محصولات زراعی


Liquid sulfur is a step towards organic farming

Our suggestion for the prevention and resistance of the plant to the disease is Azaz liquid sulfur, which is made of non-oxidized sulfur. The sulfur in the market is oxidized, which is not rapidly absorbed by the plant and gradually releases sulfur (sulfate) into the soil for several years. Liquid sulfur is highly soluble in water and high in saline and heavy waters and even precipitates carbonate compounds in water

Liquid sulfur can be used without fear of burning the plant. Spray or spray on the plant even for disease prevention or deficiency (as directed). Sulfur, because of its odor, removes many insects from the field and does not allow entry or spawning. It also destroys residual fungi or bacteria on the plant. Liquid sulfur will greatly reduce pesticide consumption and bring about a quality export product

Sulfur is the enemy of fungi. Pathogenic fungi do not grow or die in the presence of sulfur. This is important for fungal diseases that kill organs on the ground. Most fungal diseases are present in the soil, but diseases such as white matter, blackhead and rust or mildew that affect reproductive organs are killed by liquid sulfur. In fact, with liquid fog spraying, both deficiency of sulfur and other elements are eliminated and the farm is insured against pests and diseases. Of course, this cannot be true for every sulfur fertilizer. Because, as mentioned, this capability only exists in Azeas non-oxidized liquid sulfur. Existing sulfur is oxidized, which can have a burning effect on the plant if used improperly. So by applying this fertilizer you have taken an important step in producing an organic product. Having a Certificate of Production of Organic Products is very important for many modern and leading farmers. Organic products are sold at a higher price and are an important factor for export

The use of liquid sulfur along with the Azeas polyamine nutritional supplement is sufficient to eliminate all plant deficiencies and no additional fertilizers and supplements are needed. Regular use of Azeas fertilizers will reduce the cost of farming in crop production, minimize the use of pesticides and increase quantitative (at least 15%) quality. Bright color, taste, decay resistance and increased product storage are the benefits of using polyamine fertilizers


Farmers and agricultural experts should pay particular attention to the role and importance of plant nutrition with adequate and available sulfur. In addition to increasing crop yields, liquid sulfur will improve the quality of grains and fruits, as well as increase their shelf life. Sulfur application in the field will also eliminate and control pests and diseases, including insects, fungi or pathogenic bacteria. It should be noted that the use of powdered sulfur, granules, or sulfuric acid to reduce PHP of the soil can damage the plant and destroy useful soil organisms


Hagel, I., 2005. Sulfur and baking-quality of breadmaking wheat. Landbauforschung Völkenrode, Sonderheft, 283, pp.23-36.

Buchanan, B.B., (2015). Biochemistry and molecular biology of plants. John Wiley & Sons